Strategy and Growth

Strategic planning

Assisting with strategic thinking, planning and implementation, we can offer sector knowledge and an enhancing resource that can work with you to look at some of your strategic challenges and opportunities. An outside view to get to what is important and what will work.
The Further Education sector is full of opportunities – it is important that you know where you are heading and how to get there. With our knowledge of the sector, we can support and advise you on what are the realistic opportunities for growth, as well as in assisting you in the development of your organisations strategic plan.

bids and tenders

We provide support in identifying suitable opportunities for our clients and have experience in winning bids for public sector funds for apprenticeships, traineeships, ESF applications and more. We will always provide honest advice on bid suitability and will share our ‘bid or no bid’ strategy with you to help make these important decisions. We work in collaboration with you to fully understand the client brief and the organisational context in order to write compelling and – most importantly – winning bids! We do this professionally and accurately; and with timely resourcing that will enable you to hit tight deadlines.

Our results can speak for themselves:

  • 100% success in ROATP Applications.
  • 100% Success in DPS/ FPS Applications.
  • 86% Bid Win Rate.


It can be good to talk – if it is about Further Education and Training – why not take advantage of this no obligation chat?

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